Linux client application for the MetaWatch smartwatch
gtk-gui | ||
bt_helper.c | ||
bt_helper.h | ||
crc16ccitt.c | ||
crc16ccitt.h | ||
fonts.h | ||
Makefile | ||
metawatch.c | ||
metawatch.h | ||
metawatch_protocol.h | ||
mw_main.c | ||
mw_utility.c | ||
mw_utility.h | ||
pesthorn_sg.pbm | ||
README.txt | ||
test.pbm | ||
TODO.txt | ||
tux.pbm |
For compilation of the mw_main test application the following additional libraries are needed: libbluetooth-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libdbus-1-dev On Debian/Ubuntu they can be installed like this (as user root) from the commandline: apt-get install libbluetooth-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libdbus-1-dev After successful compilation you can try the application like this, inside the course directory execute: ./metawatch C1:F4:23:96:4E:79 (replace the BT MAC against the one of your watch) It should connect and print the connected watch type - in most cases "digital". After that the application waist for input, from the watch and keyboard/console. You can then try commands like "srtc" for setting the RTC of the watch or "cal" to add a nice month calendar to the idle screen etc. Currently supported commands (most zre just for testing): - quit - exit the applicaition - ahand # - advance the analogue watch hands by # minutes - srtc - sets the watch RTC to the current system time - grtc - get the RTC from the watch and print it - gistr # - get and print one of the four info strings from the watch (firmwares up to 0.7.28 do not support this yet) - gdtype - get and print watch device type - rvbat - read and print the watch's battery voltage - rlight - read and print the watch's ambient light sensor value - modecfg - test command for mode settings, hardcoded to configure idle mode - rbtfg - read and print watch button config - svib - execute the watch vibration motor - tbmp - test sending a sample bitmap - t2bmp - another bitmap test ;) - text - test text rendering of the library - tline - test line drawing of the library - rbmp - reads the b&w pbm bitmap file "test.pbm" and sends it to watch idle screen - tnote - test notification mode - tapp - test applicaiton mode - eoled # - enable one of the OLED display of the analogue watch - toled - test the analogue watch OLED displays (displays text) - cal - draw a nice one moth calendar to the idle screen