Commit graph

  • 2a0dff5ad3 fixed memory leak in cairo_image_surface_create_from_jpeg_stream() (thanks to @xielei296) master rahra 2020-01-18 22:01:59 +0100
  • ed065c6855 forgot to add license file... rahra 2018-12-11 11:29:30 +0100
  • 6c6b9108aa Added license. LGPL3 was chosen to be compatible at most with the Cairograhics library with which this code obviously is used in conjunction. rahra 2018-12-11 11:26:25 +0100
  • 69a2b78514 introduced C99 type intptr_t to get rid of type conversion errors in some environments. Fixed potential unsigned type error in test functions. rahra 2018-08-27 14:41:34 +0200
  • 2720912859 added clarification for prototype cairo_read_func_len_t rahra 2018-08-21 09:44:56 +0200
  • c9e40431e6 typos fixed rahra 2018-05-18 08:13:16 +0200
  • e71f4f393b updated code to also compile against the original libjpeg (and not just libjpeg-turbo) rahra 2018-02-16 11:40:03 +0100
  • b6b0c5f3d1 Improved (optional) main function to choose parameters based on the file extension. rahra 2016-01-15 14:36:30 +0100
  • f96da76566 README updated rahra 2016-01-01 13:49:39 +0100
  • 9e5f53e775 1st Github import rahra 2016-01-01 13:45:08 +0100
  • 22c86f91bb Initial commit Bernhard R. Fischer 2016-01-01 11:58:36 +0100