diff --git a/Calibration.md b/Calibration.md
index 1902861..eb91f1e 100644
--- a/Calibration.md
+++ b/Calibration.md
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ this uses always the same button:
 4. click "Prick Comp" - this will move the tape one component
 5. click "Nozzle MoveTo" - this will move nozzle 1 down to the component,
    nozzle should sit on center of component, if not:
-  a) too far left: decrease "PrickOffset" X
-  b) too far right: increase "PrickOffset" X
-  c) prick does not land in tape hole, too far to the back: decrease "PrickOffset" Y
-  c) prick does not land in tape hole, too far to the front: increase "PrickOffset" Y
+   1. too far left: decrease "PrickOffset" X
+   2. too far right: increase "PrickOffset" X
+   3. prick does not land in tape hole, too far to the back: decrease "PrickOffset" Y
+   4. prick does not land in tape hole, too far to the front: increase "PrickOffset" Y
 6. repeat from 3. until nozzle lands in center of part
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