/* * (c) 2011 Siegen, Germany by Nils Faerber * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "metawatch.h" #include "mw_utility.h" #include "fonts.h" /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Generic drawing functions * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * The pixmap buffer has at least one byte per pixel, even for monochrome (bpp=1) * bitmaps */ mw_buffer *mw_alloc_pbuffer(unsigned int res_x, unsigned int res_y, unsigned int bpp) { mw_buffer *nmwbuf; int pbuf_size; nmwbuf = (mw_buffer *) malloc(sizeof(mw_buffer)); if (!nmwbuf) return NULL; nmwbuf->res_x = res_x; nmwbuf->res_y = res_y; nmwbuf->bpp = bpp; pbuf_size = nmwbuf->res_x * nmwbuf->res_y * ((nmwbuf->bpp / 8) + 1); nmwbuf->pbuf = malloc(pbuf_size); if (!nmwbuf->pbuf) { free(nmwbuf); return NULL; } else { memset(nmwbuf->pbuf, 0, pbuf_size); return nmwbuf; } } void mw_free_pbuffer(mw_buffer *mwbuf) { if (!mwbuf) return; free(mwbuf->pbuf); free(mwbuf); } /* * makes a buffer for sending to the LCD watch from the drawing buffer, e.g. * mw_send_bitmap(mw_fd, MW_SCREEN_MODE_IDLE, 96, 65, 31, bbuf, len); * * NOT reentrant ! */ unsigned char *mw_make_mw_buffer(mw_buffer *mwbuf, int *buflen) { static unsigned char wbuf[96*12]; int x, y; unsigned char clr; memset(wbuf, 0, 96*12); for (y = 0; y < mwbuf->res_y; y++) { for (x = 0; x < mwbuf->res_x; x++) { clr = *(unsigned char *)(mwbuf->pbuf+((y*mwbuf->res_x)+x)); if (clr) { *(unsigned char *)(wbuf+((y*12)+(x/8))) |= 1 << (x%8); }; }; }; *buflen = mwbuf->res_y * 12; return wbuf; } unsigned char *mw_make_mw_oled_buffer(mw_buffer *mwbuf, int *buflen) { static unsigned char wbuf[2*80]; /* size of one OLED, two rows */ int x, y; unsigned char clr; memset(wbuf, 0, 2*80); for (x=0; xres_x; x++) { for (y=0; yres_y; y++) { clr = *(unsigned char *)(mwbuf->pbuf+((y*mwbuf->res_x)+x)); if (clr) { *(unsigned char *)(wbuf+(x+80*(y/8))) |= 1 << (7-(y%8)); } } } *buflen = (mwbuf->res_y / 8) * 80; return wbuf; } void mw_dump_mw_buffer(mw_buffer *mwbuf) { int x, y; unsigned char clr; for (y = 0; y < mwbuf->res_y; y++) { for (x = 0; x < mwbuf->res_x; x++) { clr = *(unsigned char *)(mwbuf->pbuf+((y*mwbuf->res_x)+x)); if (clr) fprintf(stderr, "."); else fprintf(stderr, " "); }; fprintf(stderr, "\n"); }; } /* clear/fill entire buffer with color */ void mw_buf_clear(mw_buffer *mwbuf, mw_color clr) { int pbuf_size; if (!mwbuf) return; if (clr == MW_TRANSPARENT) return; pbuf_size = mwbuf->res_x * mwbuf->res_y * ((mwbuf->bpp / 8) + 1); memset(mwbuf->pbuf, clr, pbuf_size); } /* draw a single pixel */ void mw_buf_draw_pixel(mw_buffer *mwbuf, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, mw_color clr) { if (!mwbuf) return; if (clr == MW_TRANSPARENT) return; *(unsigned char *)(mwbuf->pbuf+((y*mwbuf->res_x)+x)) = clr; } void mw_buf_print(mw_buffer *mwbuf, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, char *text, unsigned char fsize, mw_color fgclr, mw_color bgclr) { unsigned int i,j,z; const unsigned char *data, *font_style; unsigned char mask,xme,yme,offset; if (text==NULL || strlen(text) == 0) return; switch (fsize) { case 0: data = (const unsigned char *)FONT6x8; font_style = (const unsigned char *)FONT6x8; break; case 1: data = (const unsigned char *)FONT8x8F; font_style = (const unsigned char *)FONT8x8F; break; case 2: data = (const unsigned char *)FONT8x16; font_style = (const unsigned char *)FONT8x16; break; default: data = (const unsigned char *)FONT6x8; font_style = (const unsigned char *)FONT6x8; break; }; xme = *data++; yme = *data++; offset = *data; do { mask = 0x00; data = (font_style + offset) + (offset * (int)(*text - 32)); for (i=0; i < yme; i++) { mask |=0x80; for (j=x; j < (x + xme); j++) { z = y + i; if ((z < mwbuf->res_y) && (j < mwbuf->res_x)) { if (*data & mask) { mw_buf_draw_pixel(mwbuf, j, z, fgclr); } else { mw_buf_draw_pixel(mwbuf, j, z, bgclr); } } mask >>= 1; } data++; } x += xme; text++; } while (*text != '\0'); } void mw_buf_draw_line_bresenham(mw_buffer *mwbuf, unsigned int xstart, unsigned int ystart, unsigned int xend, unsigned int yend, mw_color clr) { int x, y, t, dx, dy, incx, incy, pdx, pdy, ddx, ddy, es, el, err; dx = xend - xstart; dy = yend - ystart; incx = (dx >= 0) ? 1 : -1; incy = (dy >= 0) ? 1 : -1; if (dx<0) dx = -dx; if (dy<0) dy = -dy; if (dx>dy) { pdx = incx; pdy = 0; ddx=incx; ddy=incy; es =dy; el =dx; } else { pdx=0; pdy=incy; ddx=incx; ddy=incy; es =dx; el =dy; } x = xstart; y = ystart; err = el/2; mw_buf_draw_pixel(mwbuf, x, y, clr); for (t = 0; t < el; ++t) { err -= es; if (err < 0) { err += el; x += ddx; y += ddy; } else { x += pdx; y += pdy; } mw_buf_draw_pixel(mwbuf, x, y, clr); } } void mw_buf_draw_line_bresenham_w(mw_buffer *mwbuf, unsigned int xstart, unsigned int ystart, unsigned int xend, unsigned int yend, unsigned char thickness, mw_color clr) { int i, x, y, t, dx, dy, incx, incy, pdx, pdy, ddx, ddy, es, el, err; dx = xend - xstart; dy = yend - ystart; incx = (dx >= 0) ? 1 : -1; incy = (dy >= 0) ? 1 : -1; if (dx<0) dx = -dx; if (dy<0) dy = -dy; if (dx>dy) { pdx = incx; pdy = 0; ddx=incx; ddy=incy; es =dy; el =dx; } else { pdx=0; pdy=incy; ddx=incx; ddy=incy; es =dx; el =dy; } x = xstart; y = ystart; err = el/2; mw_buf_draw_pixel(mwbuf, x, y, clr); for (i=1; idevtype, title, text, vibrate); if (mwdevice->devtype == MW_DEVICE_TYPE_DIGITAL || mwdevice->devtype == MW_DEVICE_TYPE_DEVB_DIGI) { mwbuf = mw_alloc_pbuffer(96, 96, 1); mw_buf_clear(mwbuf, MW_BLACK); mw_buf_print(mwbuf, 0, 0, title, 0, MW_BLACK, MW_WHITE); i=0; c=0; r=1; memset(sstr,0,32); while (i=16 || i>=strlen(text)) { mw_buf_print(mwbuf, 0, r*9, sstr, 0, MW_WHITE, MW_BLACK); memset(sstr,0,32); c=0; r++; if (r>10) break; }; }; bbuf = mw_make_mw_buffer(mwbuf, &len); mw_send_bitmap(mwdevice, MW_SCREEN_MODE_NOTIFICATION, 96, 96, 0, bbuf, len); mw_update_display(mwdevice, MW_SCREEN_MODE_NOTIFICATION, 1); mw_free_pbuffer(mwbuf); } else if (mwdevice->devtype == MW_DEVICE_TYPE_ANA_DIGI || mwdevice->devtype == MW_DEVICE_TYPE_DEVB_ANA_DIGI) { fprintf(stderr, "do notify OLED\n"); mwbuf = mw_alloc_pbuffer(80, 16, 1); mw_buf_clear(mwbuf, MW_BLACK); mw_buf_print(mwbuf, 0, 0, title, 0, MW_BLACK, MW_WHITE); i=0; c=0; r=1; memset(sstr,0,32); while (i=13 || i>=strlen(text)) { mw_buf_print(mwbuf, 0, r*9, sstr, 0, MW_WHITE, MW_BLACK); memset(sstr,0,32); c=0; r++; }; }; bbuf = mw_make_mw_oled_buffer(mwbuf, &len); mw_write_oled_buffer(mwdevice, 0, MW_OLED_UPPER, 80, 0, bbuf, len); mw_buf_clear(mwbuf, MW_BLACK); c=0; r=0; memset(sstr,0,32); while (i=13 || i>=strlen(text)) { mw_buf_print(mwbuf, 0, r*9, sstr, 0, MW_WHITE, MW_BLACK); memset(sstr,0,32); c=0; r++; if (r>2) break; }; }; bbuf = mw_make_mw_oled_buffer(mwbuf, &len); mw_write_oled_buffer(mwdevice, 0, MW_OLED_LOWER, 80, 0, bbuf, len); mw_free_pbuffer(mwbuf); } else fprintf(stderr, "Watch type not set - forgot to call mw_init()?\n"); if (vibrate) mw_set_vibrate_mode(mwdevice, 1, 300, 300, vibrate); }