/* * (c) 2011 Siegen, Germany by Nils Faerber * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "metawatch.h" #include "metawatch_protocol.h" #include "crc16ccitt.h" #ifdef DEBUG const char *mw_screen_mode_names[] = { "idle screen", "application screen", "notification screen", "scroll" }; const char *mw_status_string[] = { "Reserved", "Mode Change", "Display Timeout" }; #endif #define MW_FRAME_DELAY 0x00 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Debugging helpers * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void dump_frame(unsigned char *frame, int len) { int i; for (i=0; i 0) memcpy(frame+4, data, len); crc = crc16ccitt(frame, len+4); *(unsigned short *)(frame+len+4) = crc; #ifdef DEBUG dump_frame(frame, tlen); #endif while (((ret = write(mwdevice->mw_fd, frame, tlen)) >= 0) && (tlen > 0)) tlen -= ret; if (MW_FRAME_DELAY) usleep(MW_FRAME_DELAY); if (tlen == 0 && ret >= 0) return 0; else return ret; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Host to watch commands * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int mw_set_rtc(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char clk1224, unsigned char date_fmt) { time_t mtime; struct tm mtm; unsigned short year; unsigned char data[32]; mtime = time(NULL); localtime_r(&mtime, &mtm); year = mtm.tm_year + 1900; data[0] = (year & 0x0f00) >> 8; data[1] = (year & 0x00ff); data[2] = mtm.tm_mon + 1; data[3] = mtm.tm_mday; data[4] = mtm.tm_wday; data[5] = mtm.tm_hour; data[6] = mtm.tm_min; data[7] = mtm.tm_sec; data[8] = clk1224; data[9] = date_fmt; return mw_send_frame(mwdevice, MW_SET_REAL_TIME_CLOCK, 0, data, 10); } int mw_set_vibrate_mode(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char enable, unsigned short on_time, unsigned short off_time, unsigned char cycles) { unsigned char mdata[7]; mdata[0] = enable; *(unsigned short *)(mdata+1) = on_time; /* miliseconds */ *(unsigned short *)(mdata+3) = off_time; /* miliseconds */ mdata[5] = cycles; return mw_send_frame(mwdevice, MW_SET_VIBRATE_MODE, 0, mdata, 6); } int mw_configure_watch_mode(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char mode, unsigned char save, unsigned char timeout, unsigned char invert) { unsigned char mdata[3]; mdata[0] = timeout; /* seconds */ mdata[1] = invert; /* 0=normal, 1=invert */ return mw_send_frame(mwdevice, MW_CONFIGURE_MODE, (mode & 0x0f) | ((save & 0x01) << 4), mdata, 2); } int mw_update_display(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char mode, unsigned char copy) { return mw_send_frame(mwdevice, MW_UPDATE_DISPLAY, (mode & 0x0f) | ((copy & 0x01) << 4), NULL, 0); } int mw_load_template(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char mode, unsigned char template_select) { return mw_send_frame(mwdevice, MW_LOAD_TEMPLATE, (mode & 0x0f), &template_select, 1); } /* * send line for screen-mode mode from *buffer to watch, starting at display row row_offset * this is only for digital LCD watch */ int mw_write_buffer(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char mode, unsigned char numlines, /* number of lines, 0=two lines or 1=one line */ unsigned char row_offset, /* start at row_offset in display, e.g. lower part in idle @31 */ unsigned char *buffer, int buflen) { unsigned char mdata[32]; if (mwdevice->devtype != MW_DEVICE_TYPE_DIGITAL && mwdevice->devtype != MW_DEVICE_TYPE_DEVB_DIGI) return -1; buflen = 12 * (buflen / 12); /* crop to 12 bytes */ if ((numlines == 0 && buflen < 12) || (numlines == 1 && buflen < 24)) { fprintf(stderr, "mw_write_buffer: bufferlen does not match number of lines\n"); return -1; }; memset(mdata, 0, 32); mdata[0] = row_offset; memcpy((mdata+1), buffer, 12); if (numlines == 0) { mdata[13] = row_offset+1; memcpy((mdata+14), (buffer+12), 12); }; return mw_send_frame(mwdevice, MW_WRITE_BUFFER, (mode & 0x0f) | (((numlines & 0x01)<< 4) & 0x10), mdata, numlines ? 13 : 26); } /* Options: B0 : row select, 0 first row, 1 second row B1 : display select, 0 upper OLED, 1 lower OLED B2 : if 1 send an event upon completion B3..4: scroll type, B5..7: unused Scroll types: B0: First buffer in a chain of scroll buffers B1: Any buffer except first or last B2: Last buffer of a chain B3: reserved / unused Payload: 0: Start index col 1..: data */ int mw_write_oled_buffer(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char mode, /* idle or scroll */ unsigned char oled, /* which OLED */ unsigned char numcols, unsigned char col_index, /* starting index */ unsigned char *buffer, int buflen) { unsigned char mdata[32]; int i; if (mwdevice->devtype != MW_DEVICE_TYPE_ANA_DIGI && mwdevice->devtype != MW_DEVICE_TYPE_DEVB_ANA_DIGI) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "write oled buf len = %d\n", buflen); /* lower row first since display wil be updated after completion of upper row */ if (buflen > 80) { for (i=80; i 12) return -1; if (minutes > 60) return -1; if (seconds > 60) return -1; mdata[0] = hours; mdata[1] = minutes; mdata[2] = seconds; return mw_send_frame(mwdevice, MW_ADVANCE_WATCH_HANDS, 0, mdata, 3); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Watch responses, events or notifications * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int mw_get_device_type_response(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char devtype) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Got device type "); switch(devtype) { case 0: fprintf(stderr, "Reserved\n"); break; case 1: fprintf(stderr, "Ana-Digi\n"); break; case 2: fprintf(stderr, "Digital\n"); break; case 3: fprintf(stderr, "Development Board Digital\n"); break; case 4: fprintf(stderr, "Development Board Ana-Digi\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unknown %d\n", devtype); break; }; #endif mwdevice->devtype = devtype; if (mwdevice->mw_get_device_type_response_cb != NULL) mwdevice->mw_get_device_type_response_cb(mwdevice, devtype, mwdevice->mw_gdtypersp_data); return 0; } void mw_set_get_device_type_response_cb(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, void (*mw_get_device_type_response_cb) (mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char devtype, void *user_data), void *user_data) { if (mw_get_device_type_response_cb != NULL) mwdevice->mw_get_device_type_response_cb = mw_get_device_type_response_cb; if (user_data != NULL) mwdevice->mw_gdtypersp_data = user_data; } int mw_get_real_time_clock_response(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char *rtcrsp, int len) { struct tm mtm; unsigned short year; unsigned char clk1224, date_fmt; if (len != 10) { fprintf(stderr, "get real time clock response length wrong %d != 10\n", len); return -1; } year = *(unsigned short *)rtcrsp; mtm.tm_year = year - 1900; mtm.tm_mon = rtcrsp[2] - 1; mtm.tm_mday = rtcrsp[3]; mtm.tm_wday = rtcrsp[4]; mtm.tm_hour = rtcrsp[5]; mtm.tm_min = rtcrsp[6]; mtm.tm_sec = rtcrsp[7]; clk1224 = rtcrsp[8]; date_fmt = rtcrsp[9]; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "watch RTC is %s, clock format is %s, date format is %s\n", asctime(&mtm), clk1224 ? "24h" : "AM/PM", date_fmt ? "DD/MM" : "MM/DD"); #endif if (mwdevice->mw_get_real_time_clock_response_cb != NULL) mwdevice->mw_get_real_time_clock_response_cb(mwdevice, &mtm, mwdevice->mw_grtcrsp_data); return 0; } void mw_set_get_real_time_clock_response_cb(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, void (*mw_get_real_time_clock_response_cb) (mwdevice_t *mwdevice, struct tm *mw_tm, void *user_data), void *user_data) { if (mw_get_real_time_clock_response_cb != NULL) mwdevice->mw_get_real_time_clock_response_cb = mw_get_real_time_clock_response_cb; if (user_data != NULL) mwdevice->mw_grtcrsp_data = user_data; } int mw_get_battery_voltage_response(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char *batrsp, int len) { unsigned short voltage = *(unsigned short *)batrsp; unsigned char power_good = batrsp[2]; unsigned char bat_charging = batrsp[3]; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "battery is at %dmV, %s and %s\n", voltage, power_good ? "power is good" : "power fault", bat_charging ? "charging" : "not charging"); #endif if (mwdevice->mw_get_battery_voltage_response_cb != NULL) mwdevice->mw_get_battery_voltage_response_cb(mwdevice, &voltage, &power_good, &bat_charging, mwdevice->mw_gbatvrsp_data); return 0; } void mw_set_get_battery_voltage_response_cb(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, void (*mw_get_battery_voltage_response_cb) (mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned short *voltage, unsigned char *pgood, unsigned char *charging, void *user_data), void *user_data) { if (mw_get_battery_voltage_response_cb != NULL) mwdevice->mw_get_battery_voltage_response_cb = mw_get_battery_voltage_response_cb; if (user_data != NULL) mwdevice->mw_gbatvrsp_data = user_data; } int mw_read_button_config_response(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char *btnrsp, int len) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "read button config response\n"); fprintf(stderr, "screen mode : 0x%02x\n", btnrsp[0]); fprintf(stderr, "button index : 0x%02x\n", btnrsp[1]); fprintf(stderr, "mask table : 0x%02x (", btnrsp[2]); fprintf(stderr, "%s ", (btnrsp[2] & 0x01) ? "Absolute, " : ""); fprintf(stderr, "%s ", (btnrsp[2] & 0x02) ? "Press&Release, " : ""); fprintf(stderr, "%s ", (btnrsp[2] & 0x04) ? "Press&Hold, " : ""); fprintf(stderr, "%s ", (btnrsp[2] & 0x08) ? "Press&LongHold, " : ""); fprintf(stderr, "%s ", (btnrsp[2] & 0x10) ? "Immediate" : ""); fprintf(stderr, ")\n"); fprintf(stderr, "callback msg type: 0x%02x\n", btnrsp[3]); fprintf(stderr, "callback msg opts: 0x%02d\n", btnrsp[4]); #endif return 0; } void mw_set_read_button_config_response_cb(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, void (*mw_read_button_config_response_cb) (mwdevice_t *mwdevice, void *user_data), void *user_data) { if (mw_read_button_config_response_cb != NULL) mwdevice->mw_read_button_config_response_cb = mw_read_button_config_response_cb; if (user_data != NULL) mwdevice->mw_rbtncnfrsp_data = user_data; } int mw_read_light_sensor_response(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char *lightrsp, int len) { unsigned char power_good = lightrsp[0]; unsigned char bat_charging = lightrsp[1]; unsigned short light_level = *(unsigned short *)(lightrsp+2); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "light sensor is at %d, power stat: %s and %s\n", light_level, power_good ? "power is good" : "power fault", bat_charging ? "charging" : "not charging"); #endif if (mwdevice->mw_read_light_sensor_response_cb != NULL) mwdevice->mw_read_light_sensor_response_cb(mwdevice, &light_level, mwdevice->mw_rlsrsp_data); return 0; } void mw_set_read_light_sensor_response_cb(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, void (*mw_read_light_sensor_response_cb) (mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned short *light_level, void *user_data), void *user_data) { if (mw_read_light_sensor_response_cb != NULL) mwdevice->mw_read_light_sensor_response_cb = mw_read_light_sensor_response_cb; if (user_data != NULL) mwdevice->mw_rlsrsp_data = user_data; } int mw_status_change_event(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char option, unsigned char *statrsp, int len) { unsigned char mode = (option & 0x0f); unsigned char status = statrsp[0]; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Status change event for mode %s: %s\n", mw_screen_mode_names[option&0x0f], mw_status_string[statrsp[0]]); #endif if (mwdevice->mw_status_change_event_cb != NULL) mwdevice->mw_status_change_event_cb(mwdevice, &mode, &status, mwdevice->mw_stchev_data); return 0; } void mw_set_status_change_event_cb(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, void (*mw_status_change_event_cb) (mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char *scrmode, unsigned char *status, void *user_data), void *user_data) { if (mw_status_change_event_cb != NULL) mwdevice->mw_status_change_event_cb = mw_status_change_event_cb; if (user_data != NULL) mwdevice->mw_stchev_data = user_data; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Protocol handling * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int decode_frame(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char *buf, int len) { unsigned short crc; unsigned char msglen; unsigned char msgtype; unsigned char msgopt; unsigned char *msgdata; unsigned char msgdatalen; /* check frame */ crc = *(unsigned short *)(buf+len-2); if (crc != crc16ccitt(buf, len-2)) { fprintf(stderr, "decode frame CRC error\n"); return -1; } if (buf[0] != MW_SOF) { fprintf(stderr, "decode frame SOF not found\n"); return -1; } msglen = buf[1]; msgtype = buf[2]; msgopt = buf[3]; msgdata = (buf+4); msgdatalen = msglen - 4 - 2; switch (msgtype) { case MW_GET_DEVICE_TYPE_RSP: mw_get_device_type_response(mwdevice, msgdata[0]); break; case MW_GET_INFORMATION_STRING_RSP: msgdata[len-2] = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Got info string '%s'\n", msgdata); break; case MW_GET_REAL_TIME_CLOCK_RSP: mw_get_real_time_clock_response(mwdevice, msgdata, msgdatalen); break; case MW_READ_BATTERY_VOLTAGE_RSP: mw_get_battery_voltage_response(mwdevice, msgdata, msgdatalen); break; case MW_READ_LIGHT_SENSOR_RSP: mw_read_light_sensor_response(mwdevice, msgdata, msgdatalen); break; case MW_LOW_BATTERY_WARNING_MSG: fprintf(stderr, "Watch battery low, please connect charger\n"); break; case MW_READ_BUTTON_CONFIG_RSP: mw_read_button_config_response(mwdevice, msgdata, msgdatalen); break; case MW_BUTTON_EVENT_MESSAGE: fprintf(stderr, "Button event message\n"); break; case MW_LOW_BATTERY_BT_OFF_MSG: fprintf(stderr, "Watch battery extremely low - radio will turn off\n"); break; case MW_STATUS_CHANGE_EVENT: mw_status_change_event(mwdevice, msgopt, msgdata, msgdatalen); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unkown msgtype 0x%02x\n", msgtype); break; }; return msglen; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * General code usage * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int mw_init(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, int mw_fd) { memset(mwdevice, 0, sizeof(mwdevice_t)); mwdevice->mw_fd = mw_fd; /* figure out which device we run with */ mw_send_frame(mwdevice, MW_GET_DEVICE_TYPE, 0, NULL, 0); return 0; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Convenience functions not strictly part of the protocol * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int mw_get_resolution(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height) { if (width == NULL || height == NULL) return -1; switch (mwdevice->devtype) { case MW_DEVICE_TYPE_RESERVED: return -1; case MW_DEVICE_TYPE_ANA_DIGI: case MW_DEVICE_TYPE_DEVB_ANA_DIGI: *width = 80; *height = 16; break; case MW_DEVICE_TYPE_DIGITAL: case MW_DEVICE_TYPE_DEVB_DIGI: *width = 96; *height = 96; break; default: break; }; return 0; } /* if flip=1 bits in each byte are inverted 7->1, 6->2, 5->3,... if invert=1 each byte is inverted */ void bmap_buffer_flipinvert(unsigned char flip, unsigned char invert, unsigned char *buf, int len) { int i; unsigned char tmp; while (len--) { tmp = 0; if (flip) { for (i=0; i<8; i++) tmp |= ((*buf & (1<> i) << (7-i); // fprintf(stderr, "0x%02x -> 0x%02x\n", *buf, tmp); } else tmp = *buf; *buf = invert ? ~tmp : tmp; buf++; } } void mw_send_bitmap(mwdevice_t *mwdevice, unsigned char mode, int width, int height, int offset, unsigned char *bmapbuf, int buflen) { #ifdef DEBUG unsigned int i, x; #endif unsigned int y, rowlength; unsigned char mw_buf[24]; rowlength = (((width-1) / 8) + 1); if ((height + offset) > 96) height = 96 - offset; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "row length = %d bytes\n", rowlength); fprintf(stderr, "bitmap resolution is %d x %d\n", width, height); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); for (y=0; y 12) ? 12 : rowlength); memcpy((mw_buf+12), (bmapbuf+((y+1)*rowlength)), (rowlength > 12) ? 12 : rowlength); mw_write_buffer(mwdevice, mode, 0, offset+y, mw_buf, 24); } }