/* cc1100.c Copyright (C) 2007 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <P89LPC932.h> #include "cc1100.h" code unsigned char conf[0x2F] = { 0x29 , //IOCFG2 0x2E , //IOCFG1 0x06 , //IOCFG0 0x47 , //FIFOTHR 0xD3 , //SYNC1 0x91 , //SYNC0 0x3E , //PKTLEN 0x1A , //PKTCTRL1 0x45 , //PKTCTRL0 0x01 , //ADDR 0x01 , //CHANNR 0x06 , //FSCTRL1 0x00 , //FSCTRL0 0x10 , //FREQ2 0x0B , //FREQ1 0xDA , //FREQ0 0x8A , //MDMCFG4 0x75 , //MDMCFG3 0x13 , //MDMCFG2 0x22 , //MDMCFG1 0xC1 , //MDMCFG0 0x35 , //DEVIATN 0x07 , //MCSM2 0x03 , //MCSM1 0c 0x38 , //MCSM0 0x16 , //FOCCFG 0x6C , //BSCFG 0x43 , //AGCCTRL2 0x40 , //AGCCTRL1 0x91 , //AGCCTRL0 0x46 , //WOREVT1 0x50 , //WOREVT0 0x78 , //WORCTRL 0x56 , //FREND1 0x10 , //FREND0 0xA9 , //FSCAL3 0x0A , //FSCAL2 0x00 , //FSCAL1 0x11 , //FSCAL0 0x41 , //RCCTRL1 0x00 , //RCCTRL0 0x57 , //FSTEST 0x7F , //PTEST 0x3F , //AGCTEST 0x98 , //TEST2 0x31 , //TEST1 0x0B //TEST0 }; unsigned char spi_rw(unsigned char write) { unsigned char z; for (z= 8; z; z--) { SCK = 0; MOSI1 = (write & 0x80); SCK = 1; write <<=1; if (MISO1) write |= 0x01; } SCK = 0; return(write); } unsigned char spi_r() { unsigned char z; unsigned char ret = 0; MOSI1 = 0; SCK = 0; for (z= 8; z; z--) { SCK = 1; ret <<=1; if (MISO1) ret |= 0x01; SCK = 0; } return(ret); } void cc1100_init(void) { unsigned char i = 0xff; SCK = 1; MOSI1 = 0; CS = 0; while(i) { i--; } CS = 1; i=0xff; while(i) { i--; } CS = 0; SCK = 0; while (MISO1); spi_rw(SRES); while (MISO1); spi_rw(0x00 | BURST); for (i=0; i < 0x2f; i++) spi_rw(conf[i]); CS = 1; cc1100_write1(PATABLE,0xC0); cc1100_strobe(SIDLE); cc1100_strobe(SCAL); cc1100_strobe(SFRX); cc1100_strobe(SRX); } unsigned char cc1100_write(unsigned char addr, unsigned char* dat, unsigned char lenght) { unsigned char i; unsigned char status; CS = 0; while (MISO1); status = spi_rw(addr | WRITE); for (i=0; i < lenght; i++) spi_rw(dat[i]); CS = 1; return(status); } unsigned char cc1100_write1(unsigned char addr,unsigned char dat) { unsigned char status; CS = 0; while (MISO1); status = spi_rw(addr | WRITE); spi_rw(dat); CS = 1; return(status); } unsigned char cc1100_read(unsigned char addr, unsigned char* dat, unsigned char lenght) { unsigned char i; unsigned char status; CS = 0; while (MISO1); status = spi_rw(addr | READ); for (i=0;lenght; lenght--) dat[i++]=spi_r(); CS = 1; return(status); } unsigned char cc1100_read1(unsigned char addr) { unsigned char r; CS = 0; while (MISO1); r = spi_rw(addr | READ); r=spi_rw(0x00); CS = 1; return(r); } unsigned char cc1100_strobe(unsigned char cmd) { unsigned char status; CS = 0; while (MISO1); status = spi_rw(cmd); CS = 1; return(status); } unsigned char cc1100_single(unsigned char b,bit end) { unsigned char status; if (CS == 1) { CS = 0; while (MISO1); } status = spi_rw(b); if (end) CS = 1; return(status); }